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District Greenhouse Göteborg
District Greenhouse GöteborgTogether with Exploateringsförvaltningen in Göteborg, Kajodlingen, Emulsionen, Ecorelief, Darking and Stadsjord, Tailor Made has developed a system for local food production and distribution in Göteborg. This pre-study was made possible thorough Stadslandet Göteborg.
The district greenhouse – Stadsdelsväxthus – can produce food in the form of fish and vegetables in a significant amount. A district greenhouse can function as a liaison center for food distribution of smaller producers, so that consumers more easily can shop for locally produced, high quality food. It may include education facilities for educating more urban growers and work as a meeting place for residents in the district. It can welcome visitors from all over the world and demonstrate and teach how cities can organize their food needs.
The proposal also contains an idea of a distribution network where smaller growers are connected to district greenhouses and larger commercial growers. In the future, we shop locally produced food and Gothenburg can stand for a significant part of its own food consumption. Will Göteborg become the first city with organized urban farming?
Client: Expolateringsförvaltningen Göteborg
Status: Finished report in 2019
Illustrations: Tailor Made
Download full report (in swedish): STADSDELSVÄXTHUS-GBG.pdf
Article Göteborgsposten: Stadsdelsväxthus kan öka Göteborgs självförsörjande

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