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Stenmark Greenhouse Restaurant

Our client Claes came to us with high ambitions to create the best pizzas and burgers made by locally produced groceries in the most climate smart restaurant building. The aim is the "Most sustainable Restaurantbuilding in the world". Thorough studies about sustainable choice of material and investigations concerning energy will take this building far towards the goals. Residual heat from the wood oven will warm the greenhouse to give it an even, nice climate through out the year for customers and vegetables. Tomatoes and vegetables will be cultivated on the greenhouse roofterrace all year round. The Frame of the building and the greenhouse consists of 100% wood and big efforts have been made to develop an innovative solution for the foundation using only CLT wood floorslabs resting on sheets of foamglass. All to avoid the use of concrete and steel. More info about this can be seen on Youtube, see link below. 

Client: Claes Stenmark

Status: Under construction

Photo: Tailor Made

3d-Illustrations: Daniel Enbom


Instagram: Stenmarks restaurang & växthus

Youtube:Youtube Stenmarks restaurang

Article (swedish):

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